This year, a team of three from Cuttriss attended – Directors Colin McElwain, and Nicola Todd, along with Nick Taylor, Senior Licensed Cadastral Surveyor.

Wanaka is undergoing rapid change and development and therefore provided the perfect venue for the annual Consulting Surveyor’s Conference in March.

Nicola Todd says they were able to take a closer look at the innovation happening in the region.

“There are some truly innovative and stunning land developments underway. They have created some really beautiful spaces combining, infrastructure requirements into the landscape.”

The annual get together also provides opportunities to look at new technology, new opportunities to connect with other New Zealand surveying businesses.

With a focus on staff culture this year, Nicola Todd says it confirmed Cuttriss is heading in the right direction.

“One presentation covered recruitment and employee experience at work. It was pleasing to see Cuttriss has created a culture and a work environment that aligns with current expectations. We still have some areas to improve on, and will work on improving the employee experience even more over the next few months,” says Nicola Todd.

Lance Burdett, a specialist speaker in negotiation, communications, resilience and safety, and Adam Hall, Paralympic gold medalist in alpine skiing also provided inspiration to the Cuttriss team.

“We had a great session with Lance – who talked about the importance of a good night’s sleep, managing stress and engaging our ‘Alpha zAne’! Adam Hall’s determination to succeed, his power of positive thinking and his approach to planning all left us feeling inspired.”

“It is fantastic to bring these learnings back to our teams in Kapiti and the Hutt Valley, and ultimately our clients.”

CSNZ is a division of Survey and Spatial NZ catering to the needs of business owners and managers of survey practices in New Zealand.