Cuttriss Consultants are proud to announce that it has been awarded Carbon Zero Certification, validating the work we are doing to take action on climate change.
The Toitū carbon zero certification is awarded and verified annually by Toitū Envirocare (Enviro-Mark Solutions), an independent organisation.
The certification measures the greenhouse gas footprint of a business and is awarded to organisations who achieve carbon neutral in their everyday practices, offsetting any emissions with carbon credits. The certification is recognised globally, in over 60 countries.
At Cuttriss, it is a priority to adapt to an evolving environment. We will continue to explore better ways of working, creating efficient ways of working and ensuring we are continually self-improving.
Recent changes we’ve made include our investment in an electric van, and being committed to only purchasing hybrid or electric cars. We have also implemented a Transport Incentive for staff that use an emissions efficient way of commuting to work.

#netcarbonzero #ToituTogether #sustainable #climatechange